This August, IAHR’s World Congress (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) took place in Vienna, Austria. Together with the Worlds Large Rivers Conference and the Danube Conference, five days were filled with inspiring talks, interesting presentations on ongoing work around the world and technical tours, including a boat cruise on the Danube to examine the integrated river engineering measures in the National Park “Donau-Auen”. The three conferences gave many opportunities to meet and exchange knowledge and experience with professionals in water related topics on international level. In the context of the official slogan “Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts” blattfisch e.U. contributed with two presentations. Sarah Höfler talked about the Upper Neretva river system in Bosnia and its aquatic ecosystem, which was studied during this year’s Science Week as part of a campaign for the protection of Balkan Rivers. Lena Ferstl shared results of a joint project in transnational river basin management, focusing on restoration efforts in multi-stressed river ecosystems by the example of the lower Thaya river in Austria and Czech republic.